Heath Grant

Heath Grant was most recently the Director of Research of the Police Executive Research Forum, a leading Washington DC organization dedicated to advancing law enforcement and crime prevention internationally. Formerly, as CEO of Success for Kids (SFK), he oversaw the planning, implementation, curriculum development, partnerships& strategic program alliances and evaluation of the organization’s international programs and services. A 15 year program executive, his experience and innovative style has positioned SFK’s unique approach to Social Emotional Learning as one of the most sought after program partnership opportunities throughout Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. On behalf of the Asia Foundation, he also recently developed training curricula for the Bangladesh Police on community policing. He subsequently conducted an assessment there related to the status of community policing in the country. This year, he led a research effort for the State Department to assess youth violence issues in the Caribbean and make recommendations for systems wide change. Dr. Grant’s drive and commitment to research based programs has distinguished him as a leader in his field and made him a highly sought after speaker and presenter. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada; Masters of Arts in Criminal Justice and Ph.D. in Criminal Justice, from John Jay College in New York City.