Rabbi Amanda Flaks

Rabbi Amanda is a chaplain resident in Atlanta, GA. She is an outdoors lover, especially hiking and kayaking, and also enjoys ice skating and LEGO building in her free-time. Amanda will be ordained as a rabbi through the Pluralistic Rabbinical Seminary in December, 2021 in their inaugural graduating class. She identifies as “open-orthodox,” but credits her pluralistic training and more than fifteen years in the Jewish communal service sector as invaluable resources for serving the diverse religious community in Atlanta. Prior to pursuing the rabbinate and chaplaincy, Amanda worked in numerous Jewish agencies, in roles ranging from international political advocacy to directing community-based programming. She is pursuing chaplain board certification certification through Neshama: the National Association of Jewish Chaplains, with the intent of pursing full-time chaplaincy upon certification. She hopes to launch a community-based spiritual care model, bringing chaplaincy to our most spiritually underserved people.