Rabbi Marcia Prager

Rabbi Marcia Prager, MFA, MHL, D.Min.h.c., is Director and Dean of the ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal Ordination Program, the innovative non-denominational seminary which trains rabbis, cantors, rabbinic pastors and mashpi’im (Jewish spiritual directors). On Tikkun Magazine’s 25th anniversary, Rabbi Marcia was awarded the Tikkun Prize in recognition for her work as director of this groundbreaking program. She co-directs and teaches The Davvenen’ Leadership Training Institute, a two-year training program in the leadership of public prayer that has trained over 500 Jewish clergy and lay leaders. Rabbi Prager also serves as the congregational rabbi of the P’nai Or Jewish Renewal Congregation of Philadelphia, PA. She is the creator of the P’nai Or Siddurim for Shabbat, The P’nai Or Rosh HaShanah Machzor, and other innovative compilations of prayer and liturgy, and is the author of The Path of Blessing, called “the best introduction to Jewish Renewal thought” by Reform Magazine. She is a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and also received personal smicha from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z”l. In 2010 the Forward named Prager as one of the “50 Most Influential Women Rabbis. Rabbi Prager is a Rabbis Without Borders Fellow.