Anna Runion
Anna Runion is a minister and community organizer serving in San Diego, CA. She is passionate about social and personal transformation toward liberation. She seeks out the innovative edges of faith traditions, hoping to engage emerging spiritual practices and communities. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Leadership Studies at the University of San Diego, focusing on liberative leadership practices within social movements and faith communities. She served as the Minister for Youth and Social Justice at Pilgrim United Church of Christ in Carlsbad, CA for ten years, organizing the faith and justice communities primarily around immigrant and LGBTQ rights and equity. She finds deep fulfillment in accompanying community organizers, ministers and faith leaders through personal and spiritual formation and social change. In the fall of 2021, she will serve as a Resident Minister at the University of San Diego. She looks forward to walking with young people as they discern their identity, values, and vocation. Anna is also in the ordination process within the United Church of Christ. In her spare time, she picnics with her family, enjoying the beautiful Southern California weather, and binges 90’s sitcoms.