Rabbi Cantor Jacquie Marx
I was ordained a cantor at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion's School of Sacred Music (Reform), and as a rabbi at Pluralistic Rabbinical Seminary (Post-denominational). I'm also a two-time cancer survivor with one credit hour towards chaplaincy from Duke Hospital.
If rabbis tell the people what Gd wants, and cantors tell Gd what the people want, I relish opportunities to mediate the dialogue in creative, musical and inclusive ways. With my clergy partner Rabbi Judy Cohen-Rosenberg, I am building Oranim NC, a new Jewish community in North Carolina. Oranim means "pine trees," of which our state has an abundance for beauty, healing shade, and nourishing oxygen. Oranim NC offers these gifts as lifelong learning, Shabbat and holiday celebrations, and life cycle commemorations, to Jewish and Jewish-adjacent folks and families. of all ages.
We uphold acts of lovingkindness and gentle, intentional activism, to heal our community. By involving our families in such activities, we teach them tikkun olam, repairing our world. Most of all, we want to have fun: that's what keeps people coming back. I live in an enchanted forest in Carrboro (next to Chapel Hill) with my two adult children and three cats.