Ariele Mortkowitz

Ariele Mortkowitz was the founding director of the Agam Center in Washington DC, a community center for women's spirituality and wellness and an expansion of what a mikvah can mean to a community. She is passionate about the ways women interact with their faith and their community and has dedicated her work to the pursuit of fulfilling female Jewish spiritual and communal experiences. Through SVIVAH, she gets to "collect" inspiring teachers, healers, counselors, and guides devoted to improving the lives of women and share them with the audience of women that has been waiting for them. Ariele has a background in Jewish communal work with a focus on strategic planning, organizational growth, and staff training. She is also a JOFA/Yeshivat Chovevei Torah/Yeshivat Maharat-certified premarital teacher and long-time mikvah guide. Ariele is originally from Fair Lawn, NJ and moved to Washington, DC with her husband, David Hain in 2004 where they live with three little people who ask the best questions.